Report on the New York State DEC's Albany South End Community Air Quality Screening

TitleReport on the New York State DEC's Albany South End Community Air Quality Screening
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
AuthorsCarpenter, David O.
Notes'In this report Dr. David Carpenter, the Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at SUNY Albany, comments on how the DEC\'s response to their own findings was wrong.  In August of 2014, the DEC released a report that found elevated levels of Benzene in Albany\'s south end, most likely caused by the nearby crude oil facilities.  The DEC said that these benzene levels were \"safe\".  However, Dr. Carpenter pointed out that they were only safe in terms of \"short-term\" exposure, where the exposure limits are higher (400 ppb for benzene).  The long-term limits are much lower at about 0.040 ppb.  The area in question had an average of about 0.111 ppb during the month of June, clearly above the long-term exposure limits.\n - mehnew19'