Preventing smog crises in China and globally

TitlePreventing smog crises in China and globally
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsShi, Han, Yutao Wang, Jianmin Chen, and Donald Huisingh
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
Volume112, Part 2
AbstractTo contribute to the fight against the prevalent, deteriorating, smog pollution in China, India, and other rapidly industrializing regions, the team who planned this Special Volume (SV) of the Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP) worked to document and consolidate what is known about what has worked and what hasn't worked well in preventing smog or in reducing their severity or duration. Based upon fifty-four articles, the team developed an interdisciplinary, holistic approach for mitigating and preventing smog, which is comprised of the following eight interconnected categories of articles pertaining to: 1) Monitoring, inventory and assessment; 2) Scientific research; 3) Policy formulation, implementation and evaluation; 4) Regulatory instruments; 5) Economic incentives; 6) Information, education and societal empowerment; 7) Technology development and deployment; and 8) Social norms, culture and lifestyle. The team summarized the new knowledge and findings from the fifty-four articles included in those eight categories of this SV. Special attention was given to important issues in the current policy debates surrounding smog pollution, including: preventive methods, which are preferable to end-of-pipe pollution control approaches; balancing environmental, economic and social objectives; co-benefits among local air quality improvement approaches, relations between climate change and societal wellbeing; monitoring, reporting and inventory; and more effective information disclosure and public participation for preventing or reducing smog now and in the future. The introductory article concludes with a cautiously optimistic message, to turn the on-going, uphill fight against smog into an accelerator of the profound and urgently needed transitions towards equitable, sustainable, post-fossil-carbon societies.
Alternate JournalPreventing Smog Crises