How Land Use and Transportation Systems Impact Public Health: A Literature Review of the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Built Form

TitleHow Land Use and Transportation Systems Impact Public Health: A Literature Review of the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Built Form
Publication TypeReport
Year of PublicationSubmitted
Document NumberWorking Paper #1
CityGeorgia, USA

This review discusses how urban form affects public health, specifically through the
ways in which the built environment encourages or discourages physical activity levels.
The questions raised illuminate fundamental quality of life considerations including
residential preferences, time use, space requirements, security, and convenience, which
collectively shape the built environment. The relative costs and benefits of the locational
and travel choices that are currently available have resulted in a built environment
designed to accommodate the car -- at the measurable expense of the ability to move
about under human power.

Short TitleHow Land Use and Transportation Systems Impact Public Health