Epidemic Asthma in New Orleans

TitleEpidemic Asthma in New Orleans
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsWeill, Hans, Morton M. Ziskind, Richard C. Dickerson, and Vincent J. Derbes
Call Number0017
AbstractThe results to date of epidemiologic, clinical, and allergic investigation of New Orleans asthma indicate that allergenic air pollutants are associated with local outbreaks. It is probable that multiple sources of atmospheric pollution are causally related to these outbreaks. Specifically, the association of a known allergen, grain dust, and New Orleans epidemic asthma is being further investigated. Significant differences exist between the bronchitic syndrome of Tokyo-Yokohama respiratory disease and allergic air pollution asthma in New Orleans. The demonstration of allergenic air pollutants in New Orleans adds an important approach to the future investigations of chronic obstructive respiratory disease in other communities.