Digital activism & Delhi's air

With #MyRightToBreathe, #LetMeBreathe and #DelhiAirPollution trending every winter on Twitter and residents posting photos of both polluted hotspots and blue skies on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, a major chunk of conversations around air pollution occur on digital platforms. Tagging functions allow concerned citizens to draw in government officials, politicians, and activists in their discussions, and elicit responses. Online petitions garner enough signatures to transform into public litigation. 

This essay profiles organizations, individuals, and instances of digital activism around Delhi's air. 


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Created date

July 25, 2019

Cite as

Prerna Srigyan. 25 July 2019, "Digital activism & Delhi's air", The Asthma Files, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 25 July 2019, accessed 1 October 2024.