Diesel particulate matter, lung cancer, and asthma incidences along major traffic corridors in MA, USA: A GIS analysis

TitleDiesel particulate matter, lung cancer, and asthma incidences along major traffic corridors in MA, USA: A GIS analysis
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsMcEntee, Jesse C., and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger
JournalHealth & Place

By examining the census tracts and towns that are intersected by Massachusetts' major highway corridors, Diesel and Health along Massachusetts' Highway Corridors ascertains whether these areas contain significantly higher rates of diesel particulate matter (DPM), lung cancer, and asthma. DPM was significantly higher for corridor towns than non-corridor towns. Hot spot analysis revealed statistically significant clustering of elevated DPM concentrations and asthma incidence in certain towns. The location of these towns was compared to the location of environmental justice neighborhoods. The authors recommend a series of steps that can be taken by policy makers and planners to curb DPM emissions.

Short TitleDiesel particulate matter, lung cancer, and asthma incidences along major traffic corridors in MA, USA