The Data conservancy: A web science view of data curation

TitleThe Data conservancy: A web science view of data curation
Publication TypeWeb Article
AuthorsChoudhury, Sayeed
Type of MediumWebcast

The Data Conservancy is one of two initial awards through the National Science Foundation's DataNet Program. The Data Conservancy
shares a common vision that data curation is not an end, but rather a means to provide persistent access to a variety of scientific data for
addressing grand challenge research problems. In addition to the infrastructure development that lies at the core of the Data Conservancy,
the project team is directly focusing on a semantic view of data and other forms of content as compound objects that describe a full
picture of the scientific process. This presentation will feature an overview of the Data Conservancy with an emphasis on the data
framework aspects of the project.

Short TitleThe Data Conservancy