Cooking fuel use patterns in India: 1983-2000

TitleCooking fuel use patterns in India: 1983-2000
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsViswanathan, Brinda, and K. S. Kavi Kumar
JournalEnergy Policy
AbstractThis study analyses the expenditure share of [`]clean' and [`]dirty' fuels in total cooking fuel consumption for the rural and urban households across 16 major states in India, using household level data from national sample surveys conducted during the period 1983-2000. The results show wide disparity between rural and urban households and also across states. Analysis to identify the determinants of fuel choice reveals that affordability plays a major role, while the pro-rich and pro-urban bias of kerosene supply through public distribution system also has influenced the observed variation in consumption patterns across states and over rural and urban areas. The study discusses the policies that could facilitate switch towards [`]clean' fuels and argues that enabling policies should pay attention among other things to the gender issues and trade-offs that exist between say, local and global pollution, deforestation and resource depletion, and disease and subsidy burden.
Short TitleCooking fuel use patterns in India