Boundary work: knowledge, policy, and the urban environment

TitleBoundary work: knowledge, policy, and the urban environment
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsOwens, Susan, Judith Petts, and Harriet Bulkeley
JournalEnvironment and Planning C: Government and Policy
AbstractThis paper explores the relations between different forms of knowledge and urban environmental policy arenas. It briefly considers the evolution of the urban environmental agenda and growing interest in questions of knowledge transfer. It then explores reasons for an apparent knowledge - policy 'gap', including familiar explanations, such as the problems of communicating research findings, as well as those based on more subtle and complex interpretations of both knowledge and policy processes. It concludes with some proposals for thinking about the boundary between knowledge and policy and constructive ways to enhance the sustainable urban environment agenda. The paper introduces the other contributions in this theme issueöconcerned with diverse aspects of knowledge transfer in the context of urban environmentsöand draws upon insights from a seminar series at which these papers were first presented.